Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's! On this day, we celebrate all that mom's do - changing dirty diapers, laundry, packing lunches, caring for our kiddos when they are sick - with the gratitude for all this that shapes us into the people we are today.
To my own mom, who is halfway around the world right now - I miss you and love you and hope dad got you the flowers I would have loved to get for you today.
Being a mom is truly the most amazing, difficult, wonderful, frustrating endeavor I have ever done - but I wouldn't change it for the world. Being a mom has taught me so very much, and gave birth to this wonderful adventure in photography that allows me to capture the magic of children and their love for their moms. My daughter has taught me humility, patience and the never-ending love that children have. My heart sings every time I hear "I love you mommy", see my daughter smile at me, or get a big, squishy snuggle.
Please enjoy some of my favorite mommy and me moments that I've had the pleasure of photographing!